Today I have finally launched my website. Hi I'm Liz, owner of Livvy’s Kitchen Cupcakes situated in the wonderful village of Send.
I’ve spent the last 4 months deep in thought as to what my first blog post would be about, and now it’s finally here and I'm so excited!
2020 has not been a good year for most of us but I think we have relearned how to show empathy to complete strangers, so that has to be a good thing. I for one can't wait to have a chat closer than 2 meters and it will happen soon. We just have to be patient; we will get there. So, what brought me to all things cakes?
I worked many years in retail, optics being the latter and frankly, I just about had enough. I did however meet some wonderful people while dealing with the public. Most of them, where so lovely and we would squeeze in a chat about everything other than glasses! It made the work day pass quickly and to be honest I miss some of them. Other than that, I was drowning in the boredom of repetitiveness.
The last 3 months of my maternity leave were not the happiest. The thought of leaving my perfect little girl got in the way of enjoying the last few precious months at home before returning to work. This was the beginning of my baking journey and I loved it. I would make cupcakes every chance I got just to give them away, it made me happy to make someone smile.
Now it's a new chapter and I've rolled up my sleeves, whisk in hand ready to beat those eggs to a silky, mid yellow froth and get baking!
So today I just want to welcome you, say hello and thank you for visiting.
Love Liz x